The North Korea Instability Project Papers and Reports:
- IN Nam-sik, “The Arab Spring and North Korea,” US-Korea Institute at SAIS: Johns Hopkins University, December 2016. (Full Report, 13 pp)
- CHA Du-hyeogn, “Instability and Regime Change: Why and How Are Regimes Ruined?” US-Korea Institute at SAIS: Johns Hopkins University, December 2016. (Full Report, 17 pp)
- YANG Chang-seok, “Review of Previous ROK Government Policies for Reunification and Future Policy Options in View of German Reunification” US-Korea Institute at SAIS: Johns Hopkins University, December 2016. (Full Report, 31 pp)
- Stares, Paul B., “Assessing the Risk of Regime Change in North Korea,” US-Korea Institute at SAIS: Johns Hopkins University, December 2016. (Full Report, 15 pp)
- Long, Austin, “Insurgency in the DPRK? Post-regime Insurgency in Comparative Perspective,” US-Korea Institute at SAIS: Johns Hopkins University, March 2017. (Full Report, 18 pp)