However, little if any thought has been given both among the governments involved and the expert community, to a strategy for missile talks with North Korea. Devising such a strategy would not require Washington to start from scratch since it held missile negotiations with Pyongyang in the late 1990s that almost led to a breakthrough agreement. While that negotiation could serve as a baseline for future talks, a new strategy would need to take into consideration the fact that over a decade has passed since those discussions ended and the overall political, military and security context has changed.
In this USKI Special Report, authors Joel S. Wit, Andrew Hood, Jeffrey Lewis, Scott Pace and Leon Sigal compile attempt to flesh out a strategy for future missile negotiations that builds on past experiences and addresses the situation on the peninsula.
- “Missile Negotiations with North Korea: A Strategy for the Future,” by Joel S. Wit, Andrew Hood, Jeffrey Lewis, Scott Pace and Leon Sigal. October 2011. (PDF: 50 pps)