The USKI Congressional Scorecard 2009 identifies relevant legislation in the 111th United States Congress pertaining U.S.-Korea relations and the Korean-American community. At this point, the report does not take a position on members’ voting behavior nor assesses the merit of relevant legislation. However, it does provide a central source for learning how our elected officials have voted on the issues that impact Korean Americans and Korean affairs. 

The 2009 USKI Congressional Scorecard is the first report in a series that will begin to examine where U.S.-Korea relations ranks among U.S. political priorities. It begins to reveal who the major players are creating legislation affecting U.S.-Korea relations, as well as whose voices are missing from this dialogue. The USKI Congressional Scorecard will be expanded and updated periodically to equip relevant constituencies with a record of Congressional voting patterns over the long-run.

As a part of this political tracking initiative, upcoming reports will also begin to examine Korean American political donation and voting patterns to better understand what Korean American political priorities are and to better evaluate if elected officials are responsive to these needs.


USKI Congressional Scorecard 2009 (Oct 2009, 48 pgs)

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