The North Korean Database’s White Paper on North Korean Human Rights 2010 is the 4th edition of the series published by NKDB starting in 2007. This publication is based on materials from NKDB as of July 31, 2010 and contains records of North Korean defectors; articles from daily newspapers and weekly and monthly magazines; reports from institutes related to North Korean human rights; and interview records of 2,178 North Koreans interviewed after the 2009 publication. In total, the number of human rights violations recorded in the 2010 White Paper total 22,346, while the number of victims, perpetrators, and witnesses came to a total of 12,963.

Download the full 2010 White Paper on North Korean Human Rights

Download the 2010 White Paper on North Korean Human Rights in sections:


I. Outline of White Paper 2010

II. Outline of NKDB Central Database

III. Database of Incidents and Individuals

White Paper on North Korean Human Rights 2010

I. White Paper (background)

II. NKDB Database

III. Outline of Incident Database and Individual Database

1. General Outline
2. Outline of Basic Information
3. Analysis of Individuals Involved in Reported Incidents

IV. Analysis by Individual Category of Human Right Violation

1. Incidents Involving Right to Life
2. Personal Integrity and Right to Liberty
3. Right to Survival
4. Right to Health
5. Right to Education
6. Right to Movement and Residence
7. Right to Marry or Found a Family
8. Reproductive Rights
9. Right to Belief and Expression
10. Right to Freedom of Assembly and Association
11. Right to Property
12. Right to Political Participation
13. Labor Rights
14. Rights Applicable to Arrested, Imprisoned, Accused or Convicted Persons
15. Rights of Aliens
16. Other Violations